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How to Deal with a Leaking Shower 

As a homeowner, you have enough on your plate before you add fixing a leaky shower to your to-do list. While some leaks may be solved by a quick valve tightening, often the issue is more complex. So, when it comes to plumbing problems, you should leave the work to seasoned professionals with the tools, time, and expertise to get the job done. After all, trying to DIY plumbing work can make the problem much worse!

However, before you can call plumbers to fix your shower, you have to know that a problem exists. But don’t worry – we’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll show you some obvious and not-so-obvious signs that your shower is leaking. Then, we’ll explain how we can solve the issue.


How Can I Tell If My Shower Is Leaking?

 One of the most obvious ways to know that your shower is leaking is to see water dripping from the showerhead when it’s not in use. However, there are other, more subtle indications of a shower leak:

  • The paint on your bathroom walls is peeling and bubbling. Moisture can cause damage to your paint, showing there’s a problem with your shower.
  • Your bathroom smells earthy or musty. Unpleasant odors can indicate that moisture has caused mold and mildew to grow in your bathroom.
  • Your water bills have increased. A little leak goes a long way! A constant shower leak can cause your water bills to go up, costing you more money.
  • The ceiling below the shower is dripping. Sometimes, the leak won’t be apparent in the shower itself. If you see the ceiling leaking in the level below, this can indicate a shower leak.
  • There are puddles on your bathroom floor. It can be frustrating to discover puddles of water in your bathroom and not know the source. Remember that it’s likely a plumbing problem, and experienced plumbers can find the source and resolve the problem for you.
  • The grout in your shower is discolored. Discolored or missing grout can indicate a leaking shower.
  • Leaking Shower Faucet. The shower faucet might be leaking due to worn-out seals, O-rings, or a faulty valve
  • Broken Shower Drain Seal. The shower drain might be the source of the leak if there’s a break in the seal between the drain and the shower base

We encourage you to reach out to a qualified plumber to diagnose and repair leaking showers. Redfin Plumbing, with years of experience and a deep understanding of plumbing intricacies, can accurately identify the source of the leak—be it the faucet, the drain, or something else—and provide a lasting solution. Our team is equipped to handle all your plumbing needs with precision and care, ensuring your shower is leak-free and fully functional. 

How Do I Fix My Leaking Shower?

 As we mentioned above, DIY plumbing can lead to costly mistakes. We recommend hiring our experienced team to handle all your shower and plumbing repairs. But as you wait for us to come, let’s outline the typical steps we take to fix shower leaks so that you know what to expect.

  • Turn off your water. If we can, we will turn off the water supply to just your shower. In some cases, we may need to turn off the water throughout your home to do this.
  • Take apart the faucet. The faucet is often the source of the issue. We will carefully remove the faucet, cartridge, and stems to get a closer look.
  • Assess the parts. Wear and tear is normal, as is corrosion. Over time, these can damage any of the pieces, including washers, the O-ring, and more.
  • Replace parts as necessary. We will come equipped with a lot of these small parts so that we can replace them on the spot!
  • Reassemble the shower faucet. Once we’re done, we’ll reassemble everything and leave your shower area as clean as we found it. We will always respect your home like it’s our own.

 If we examine your faucet and find that it’s not the source of the problem, we will discover what is causing the leak and recommend the services needed to rectify the situation. No matter your plumbing needs, we have the answer.

How Do I Make an Appointment?

Scheduling an appointment with Redfin Plumbing Co. is easy! Just give us a call, and we’ll let you know when one of our plumbers can come to your property and take a look. We are proud to have extensive knowledge of Houston’s plumbing codes and requirements, and we have served homeowners throughout the area since 2000.

Keep our number handy for all your future plumbing needs!