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Whether you’re looking up DIY plumbing hacks or you want to know what is safe to flush down the toilet, you probably have something to learn when it comes to plumbing. After all, the last thing you want to do is clean up the aftermath of expensive, messy mistakes like using the wrong drain-cleaning product or dumping the wrong type of food into your garbage disposal.

To help you avoid mistakes like these, we’ve put together a list of plumbing myths so that we can debunk them for you. We hope that these facts will help you make more informed decisions when a plumbing issue arises.

Read below to learn more about some of the most common plumbing myths.

Myth: Flushable wipes won’t clog your toilet.

Fact: Unfortunately, even so-called flushable wipes can cause an issue for your pipes. To play it safe, be sure that toilet paper is the only paper product you attempt to flush down the toilet.

Myth: Feminine hygiene products can be flushed down the toilet.

Fact: Feminine hygiene products don’t dissolve in water. In fact, they are made to absorb liquids, which means they will increase in size, clogging your pipes! Be sure to put your used feminine products directly in the garbage.

Myth: Animals can’t get into your home through your toilet.

Fact: As much as it pains us to say it, rats and snakes have been known to get through pipes and exit out toilets.

Myth: You can put any food in your sink as long as you have a garbage disposal.

Fact: Even if you have a garbage disposal, certain foods like eggshells can still be bad for your drain or even the disposal itself.

Myth: You can pour grease down your drain as long as you do so with hot water.

Fact: As it cools – which it will eventually – grease solidifies and can cause a serious clog. You should never pour grease down your drains.

Myth: You can use chemical cleaning products to unclog your drain.

Fact: Some chemical drain unclogging products can do more harm than good. If you have a stubborn clog, you should contact an experienced plumber rather than using chemicals that could be harmful to your pipes.

Myth: A leaky faucet is no big deal.

Fact: A small leak can add up to a big problem! Over time, a leaking faucet can increase your water bill, and a leaking pipe can lead to mold, mildew, and damage to the surrounding structures. You should always address leaks immediately before they get worse and cause more of a headache.

Myth: It’s a good idea to put a brick in your toilet tank to use less water.

Fact: Actually, the brick will break down in the water over time, causing problems for the parts in your toilet tank. If you truly want to minimize the amount of water used by your toilet, you should invest in a new, higher efficiency toilet.

Myth: Lemons can be used to clean your garbage disposal.

Fact: While your sink will smell a little better, lemon pieces can actually put stress on your garbage disposal and clog your sink.

Need Help? Call in the Experts!

Now that you know fact from fiction, you know how important it is to treat your plumbing fixtures right – and call experts when you need help. We are proud to bring our plumbing experience to residential and commercial clients throughout Houston, TX, offering not just drain unclogging and garbage disposal services but gas line repairs, repiping, sink installation, tankless water heater installation and repairs, water treatment services, and so much more.

For all your plumbing repair and installation needs, turn to RedFin Plumbing Co.! We would be happy to answer any other questions you have as well as schedule an appointment for your home or business.