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Hey, Houston homeowners! If you’ve ever experienced a flooded basement or crawl space, you know the value of a reliable sump pump. But with different types on the market—mainly submersible and pedestal—how do you choose the best one for your needs? In this blog, we’ll break down the key differences, pros, and cons of submersible and pedestal sump pumps so you can make an informed decision. Let’s dive in!


What is a Submersible Sump Pump?

A submersible sump pump is designed to be placed entirely underwater in your sump pit. Its motor is sealed to prevent electrical short circuits, making it ideal for heavy-duty work.



  • Powerful: Capable of handling large volumes of water and solids.
  • Quiet Operation: Being underwater muffles the sound.
  • Energy Efficient: Requires less energy to lift water as it’s already submerged.


  • Price: Generally more expensive than pedestal types.
  • Limited Lifespan: Usually lasts 5 to 15 years, depending on usage.


What is a Pedestal Sump Pump?

A pedestal sump pump has its motor mounted above the water line and a hose extending into the sump pit. It’s often considered less robust but is easier to maintain.



  • Economical: Usually cheaper upfront.
  • Long-lasting: Can last up to 25 years with proper maintenance.
  • Easy Access: The motor is above water, making it easier to service.


  • Noisy: Tends to be louder due to the exposed motor.
  • Less Powerful: Not ideal for heavy flooding situations.


Critical Considerations for Houston Homeowners

Flood Risk

Houston’s climate can be prone to heavy rains and flooding. A submersible pump’s power might be a better fit if you live in a high-risk area.


Submersible pumps require a more enormous sump pit. If your space is limited, a pedestal pump may be more appropriate.


If upfront cost is a concern, a pedestal pump is generally cheaper. However, consider the long-term costs, including replacement and energy usage.

Noise Sensitivity

If noise is a concern, the quieter operation of a submersible pump is a clear advantage.


Call Redfin Plumbing Co. For Sump Pump Installations 

Both submersible and pedestal sump pumps have their merits and drawbacks. Your choice ultimately depends on your specific needs, budget, and the characteristics of your Houston home. If you still need clarification, consulting a professional like Redfin Plumbing Co. can provide personalized advice tailored to your situation.