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A gas leak in your home is dangerous to say the least. It can cause anything from health issues like skin irritation, nausea, headaches, and suffocation to fire and explosions. Every homeowner should understand how to identify the signs of a gas leak and the symptoms an occupant may experience so that they can take steps to keep themselves and everyone in the home safe.

At RedFin Plumbing Co., we have experience with identifying and dealing with gas leaks. We’ve seen it all, and we can help you better understand the threat of gas leaks and how to deal with them.

How Can I Tell If My House Has a Gas Leak?

In its unaltered form, natural gas is odorless and colorless, which means you can’t smell or see when there’s a problem. But while you can’t see the leak itself, there are warning signs that could help you discover it. Below, we’ve compiled a list of signs to watch out for. Read through it and remember to be vigilant!

  •       Sulfur Smell – Before natural gas is pumped into homes, utilities give it a distinctive sulfuric (rotten egg) smell. Smelling this could indicate that your furnace is leaking.
  •       Hissing Sound – A hissing sound coming from your furnace could indicate a leak.
  •       Physical Symptoms – Nose bleeds, trouble breathing, dizziness, drowsiness, and other problems with your ears, nose, and throat can indicate a gas leak.
  •       Yellow Flame – Your furnace should create a blue flame when it’s on, so a yellow flame could mean that your furnace has a ventilation problem.
  •       Dead Houseplants & Grass – Sometimes, a dead plant means you don’t have a green thumb. In other cases, it could mean that there’s a severe gas leak and that the plant died due to a lack of oxygen. Similarly, dead grass around your gas line outside is a warning sign.
  •       Corroded Appliances – A damaged gas line can cause rust to form on your oven, dryer, and other gas appliances.

If you notice any of the signs above, you should take immediate action for your health and safety.

What Do I Do If I Suspect There’s a Gas Leak?

If you think you may have a gas leak, you should follow this set of steps to tackle the problem and make sure everyone on the premises is safe.

  1. Evacuate yourself, your family members, and your pets.
  2. Call 911 and notify them that you suspect a leak. Only do this after leaving the house.
  3. Once emergency services personnel give the all-clear, call the team at RedFin Plumbing Co. for gas line repair.

Whether the issue is minor or major, we have the tools and experience to make sure everything is repaired thoroughly, quickly, and safely. We’re the gas line repair experts trusted throughout Houston by homeowners and business owners alike.


Why Should I Choose RedFin Plumbing Co.?

The experts at RedFin Plumbing Co. are professionally trained to deal with natural gas leaks and to repair your damaged gas line for your safety and that of your family. If you’re worried about gas line problems, we will send over one of our experienced repair people to examine your line and provide immediate repairs. Soon enough, you and your family will rest easy knowing that the air you breathe is safe.

In addition to being prompt and making safety our top priority, we have extensive knowledge of Houston’s plumbing codes and requirements, and all our service people have a license with the Texas State Plumbing Board. From the past clients who recommend us to the license that backs up our work, we give you so many reasons to choose us for gas line repairs and plumbing work of all kinds.

Give RedFin Plumbing Co. a call today if you suspect a gas leak. We are trusted by homeowners and businesses throughout Houston, TX, and the surrounding areas, and we are here to tackle any gas line repair problem you might have.